Beast Crawl 2024

We are excited to be part of the annual Beast Lit Crawl, in Oakland. If you are looking for the latest in fest events, please check out the Beast Lit Crawl website and SM at We have a lot of event information shared on our pages as well and you can reach out if needed, Collapse Press IG. We have been a part of this festival in some way since it started, with Paul as a founding organizer. I have been coming out most years since year one, curating events for various small presses including our current- Collapse Press. The festival has changed over the years, with different organizers and curating presses, organizations, and series hosts. Many of the core organizers are still involved and the group have pressed on despite the challenges of covid. This has become an annual gathering and meet up of writers from all over the country, about much more than a festival and celebration- it is a community.

(Photos- Previous Beasting in the Bay)

This year, we have the “unofficial kickoff” reading on 7/25 at Oakland’s First Edition upstairs stage, a great outdoor space to meet up. There are readings from there, spanning Friday evening until the after party on Saturday night. Collapse Press will be hosting another BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE in Leg 2 at The Good Hop at 2421 Telegraph Avenue Oakland from 5:30-6:30. Paul will be the MC, with featured poets Heather Flescher, Han Raschka, E. Lynn Alexander, LaMar Mitchell, and Lee Foust.

Our “sibling press” Naked Bulb will be at the same venue, in Leg 3 from 7:00-8:00. Missy Church will be hosting with featured poets G. Macias Gusman, Gary Turchin, Rhea Melina, and Andrew Thomas.

We will have bios and more on our Facebook page and Instagram, and of course we will have a million photos. Thank you to everyone for being part of this.

Collapse Press at the Oakland Beast Lit Crawl, Beasts of the Apocalypse, 2024. Paul Corman-Roberts and E. Lynn Alexander. Heather Flescher, LaMar Mitchell, Han Raschka, Lee Foust.

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