We have added book shelves on Bookshop, which is a website that provides an online platform for purchasing books while also supporting local, independent book stores who get a portion of sales. We have a shelf set up to help you find Collapse Press books as they come out and can be added, and a growing list of books by writers in our community so it is easy to find books mentioned on our shows, events, etc. If you have ever listened to a poet read at an event and looked for their book, you know that it isn’t always as easy to find titles as it should be. Maybe you forgot the name of the book, but would know it if you saw it. Maybe you didn’t know the writer had a book but might stumble upon it in the list… This might be a helpful place to browse. It is a new platform for us, so we figured it can’t hurt to set up a few lists while supporting independent local stores with the ease of online shopping and shipping. When possible, we always encourage people to support writers, presses, and independent book sellers directly. If you can’t, this might be an alternative. It goes without saying that no matter how you obtain a book, it is hopefully supporting that writer and press in some way.
Here is the link to check it out: here ( https://bookshop.org/shop/collapsepress )
We also recommend the Bookshop page of Karen’s Book Row, which has great curated shelves with books connected to particular topics. If you are looking to browse, definitely check out her lists.
Karen’s Book Row on Bookshop here.